• 20/03/2023 - 15h - CLAV Anfiteatro 1
Luís M. Grilo, Universidade de Évora, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
College students are exposed in their daily lives to unusual or demanding situations (stressors) that pose a perceived threat to their well-being, which can cause them psychological stress or distress. Continuous and excessive stress can lead to a health condition called student burnout. Thus, for a better understanding of the relationship between stress and burnout and their levels of intensity, it is advisable for higher education institutions to adequately monitor their students. This monitoring may help to avoid situations with negative consequences on student performance, which lead, among other things, to dropping out of school. We used two valid and reliable international questionnaires (the well-known Perceived Stress Scale and the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey) with questions that correspond to observed/manifest variables, measured on an ordinal scale, which are considered to operationalize the latent constructs (ie, not directly observable) 'perceived stress' and 'burnout'. We considered the powerful multivariate statistical technique Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to investigate the relationships between manifest variables and latent constructs, as well as between the latter ones. Based on the specialized literature, we proposed a theoretical reflective SEM, where 'perceived stress' is the exogenous construct and 'burnout' (considering the three dimensions: 'exhaustion', 'cynicism' and 'efficacy') is the endogenous construct. We obtained an estimated model by applying the consistent Partial Least Squares (PLSc) estimator with a dataset collected in a survey carried out among students at a Portuguese institution. As we expected, 'perceived stress' has a statistically significant positive direct effect on 'exhaustion' and an indirect effect on 'cynicism', where 'exhaustion' also has a direct positive effect. Based on this estimated model and considering the heterogeneity in the dataset, two “submodels” by gender (women and men) were also estimated. The main results of the multigroup analysis show that only the difference in the value of the path coefficient (and also on the effect size, f square) between 'perceived stress' and 'exhaustion' is statistically significant.


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