Communications at international events
- Sousa-Ferreira, I., Abreu, A. M. e Rocha, C., A parametric multiplicative rate model for recurrent gap time data with shared frailty, The 43rd Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics 21 to 25 of August, Home - ISCB43 - Newcastle, UK - 2022 ( , .
- Braumann, C. A. (presenter; presential presentation); Jacinto, G.; Filipe, P. A., Stochastic differential equation models of animal growth and optimization in cattle raising, International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering - ICMAS2C'22, Porto, Portugal June 27-29, 2022, hybrid, Extended Abstract in: International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering - Book of Extended Abstracts (Eds: Pinto, C.M.A.; Mendonça, J.; Babo, L.; Baleau, D.), June 2022, Polytechnic of Porto. School of Engineering, ISBN: 978-989-53496-3-0, p. 27-30, ISBN: 978-989-53496-3-0. -
- Braumann, C. A. (presenter, online); Carlos, C.; Brites, N. M., The effect of Allee effects and of harvesting on general population growth autonomous models in random environments: Model robust conditions for sustainability, MPDEE 2022 – Models in Population Dynamics, Ecology and Evolution, Torino, Italy, June 13-17, 2022, hybrid,, Abstract in: Book of Abstracts MPDEE2022, p. 110-111.
- Jamba, N.T. (presenter); Jacinto, G.; Filipe, P. A., Braumann, C. A., Approximation methods for the likelihood function in parameter estimation for SDE mixed models. VIII Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods (WCDANM), co-organized by CIMA, October 13-15, 2022, virtual., Abstract in: VIII Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods - Book of Abstracts, (Eds: Grilo, L.; Nata, A.; Grilo, H. L.; Fernandes, M. M.), Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, ISBN: 978-989-8840-70-7, p. 64-65.
Working Group in Recreational Fisheries and Stocks
- Brites, N.M. (presenter); Braumann, C. A. , 13th Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences (DSABNS 2022), February 8-11, 2022, virtual. , Optimal sustainable harvesting policies in random environments: estimation of moments and density of first passage times. Abstract in: DSABNS 2022 Virtual 13th International Conference Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences (DSABNS) - Book of Abstracts, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, BCAM, Bilbao, Spain, ISBN: 978-989-98750-9-8, p. 108-110.
- Berra, T. (presenter); Ramos, A.; Nascimento, M.; Alves, Y., Heriederson, M.; Soares, D.; Delpino; F.,Tavares; R.; Tartaro, A.; Gomes, D.; Arcêncio, R. A., Impacto da COVID-19 nos desfechos dos casos de tuberculose no Brasil, 57º Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical (MEDTROP), Belém, Brazil, November 13-16, 2022,,
- Nuñez, S., Guerreiro, P. M., Jacinto, G., Veiga, P., Saraiva, J., Pontes, J., Gonçalves, J., Erzini, K., Rangel, M. (presenter) (2022). Immediate & Short-Term Hooking Mortality and Sub-Lethal Effects for Two Sargo Bream Species. Working Group in Recreational Fisheries and Stocks anual meeting, 13 a 17 de junho, Las Palmas, Espanha.
- Nogueira, P., Silva, M. (presenter) , Infante, P., Manuel, P. R., Rego, L., Afonso, A., Jacinto, G. (2022). Combining KDE and DBSCAN clustering to understand road traffic accidents: The case of Setúbal, Portugal, 17th conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS 2022), 19 a 23 de julho, Porto.,of%20Porto%2C%20FEP%2DUP.
- Infante, P., Jacinto, G., Afonso, A., Rego, L., Nogueira, V., Quaresma, P., Saias, J., Santos, D., Nogueira, P., Silva, M., Costa, R. P., Gois, P., Manuel, P. R. (2022). Some factors that influence the nature of road traffic accidents, 17th conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS 2022), 19 a 23 de julho, Porto.,of%20Porto%2C%20FEP%2DUP.
- Santos, D., Nogueira, V., Saias, J., Quaresma, P., Infante, P., Jacinto, G., Afonso, A., Rego, L., Nogueira, P., Silva, M., Costa, R. P., Gois, P., Manuel, P. R. (2022). Machine learning approach to identify factors that influence accident severity. 17th conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS 2022), 19 a 23 de julho, Porto.,of%20Porto%2C%20FEP%2DUP.
- Costa, R., Infante, P., Rego, L., Afonso, A., Santos, D., Jacinto, G., Saias, J., Silva, M., Gois, P., Quaresma, P., Manuel, P.R., Nogueira, P., Nogueira, V. (2022). Menos intensidade, a mesma gravidade? Reflexões sobre sinistralidade rodoviária em tempos de pandemia a partir de um estudo de caso no Distrito de Setúbal. Seminário Internacional e Interdisciplinar: Mobilidades de Pessoas e Coisas - as [re]congurações dos consumos e modos de vida, Universidade da Beira Interior, 27 a 28 de outubro, Covilhã.
- Lígia Henriques-Rodrigues (presenter); Caeiro; F. and Gomes, M.I.., VIII Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods (WCDANM), co-organized by CIMA, October 13-15, 2022, virtual., Lehmer ́s mean-of-order-p in the estimation of the Weibull tail coefficient, Abstract in: VIII Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods - Book of Abstracts, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, ISBN: 978-989-8840-70-7, p. 21-22,
- Gomes, M.I. (presenter), Figueiredo, F. and Henriques-Rodrigues, L. (2022). Alternative reliable ways to manage risks of extreme events. Book of Abstracts, 9th International Conference on Risk Analysis, 217-219. ISBN: 9789726749196,
- Gomes, M.I. (presenter), Caeiro, F., Figueiredo, F. and Henriques-Rodrigues, L. (2022). Accurate Ways to Measure Risks of Extreme Events, Book of Abstracts of the 16th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2022) and 15th International Conference of the ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2022), pp 6, ISBN: 978-9925-7812-6-3,
- Jaime Jerónimo (presenter); Filipe, P. A. and Gomes, D., VIII Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods (WCDANM), October 13-15, 2022, virtual. ,.. Survival analysis of women diagnosed with breast cancer in Angola, p. 73-74,
- Lobo, M. (presenter) and Filipe, P. A., VIII Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods (WCDANM), October 13-15, 2022, virtual. Retail store object detection using Yolo. Abstract in: Book of Abstracts, p. 75-76,
- Batista, A. M. H. van der Veen, J. A. Sousa (2022) Dark uncertainty in volume key comparisons and satellite EURAMET comparisons, MATHMET 2022 International Workshop, 2-4 November, 2022, Paris, France
- Elsa Batista, João A. Sousa, Alistair Forbes, Álvaro Ribeiro (2022) Uncertainty calculation in the front track method applied to microflow measurements, IMEKO TC1 + TC7 + TC13 + TC18 & MATHMET Joint Symposium, “Cutting-edge measurement science for the future”, Porto, 31 August – 2 September, 2022
- Saraiva, P. Neves, C. Pires, João A. Sousa (2022) Developments pf surface roughness measurements using different traceability routes to the SI within the scope of EMPIR ProbeTrace, IMEKO TC11 + TC24 Joint Hybrid Conference, 17 – 19 October, 2022, Croatia,
- Alves, J. (presenter) and Filipe, P. A. , VIII Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods (WCDANM), co-organized by CIMA, October 13-15, 2022, virtual. Big Data Analytics in Water Consumption. Abstract in:Book of Abstracts, p. 67-68,
- Ferreira, B.; Pinto-Moreira, P.; Larguinho, M.. "VIRTUAL LEADERSHIP IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT". Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME) - Rethinking Management and Economics in the (New) 20’s, Leiria, 2022.
- Larguinho, M.; Viseu, C.; Sousa, S. ; Correia, E.. "The Importance of Companies' Green Marketing Practices in College Students` Green Purchasing Behavior: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior.". Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME) - Rethinking Management and Economics in the (New) 20’s, Leiria, 2022.
- Henriques, C.; Benzinho, J.; Larguinho, M.. "A POLÍTICA DE DIVIDENDOS NAS EMPRESAS PORTUGUESAS E ESPANHOLAS – FATORES EXPLICATIVOS". XX Encuentro Internacional AECA, Porto, 2022.
- Ferreira, B.; Pinto-Moreira, P.; Larguinho, M.. "Virtual leadership: A study in the IT sector". 40th IBIMA Conference, Sevillha, 2022.
- Quelhas, A.P,; Clímaco, I, N.; Larguinho, M.. "Exploratory analysis of financial literacy and digital financial literacy: Portuguese case". The 2022 International Conference on Marketing and Technologies, Santiago de Compostela, 2022.
- Pereira, F.F., geOmetry, anaLysis & convExity (OLE), Sevilla (Spain), June, 2022, “Directional Curvatures of Convex Bodies in Rn”.;
- Minhós, F.M., Equadiff 15, Brno, Czech Republic, 11th to 15th, July, 2022, "On impulsive functional coupled systems of differential equations" Minisyposium ODE-09 Topological and iterative methods on boundary value problems in
- Drakhlin's ZOOM Seminar, new season 2022-2023, organized by Prof. Alexander Domoshnitsky, Ariel University, Israel, 07/12/2022, Minhós, F.M., "Existence, non-existence and multiplicity results for some periodic third-order problems with parameters".
Invited communications at international events
- Brites, N. M.; Braumann, C. A. (invited plenary speaker), 13th Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences (DSABNS 2022), February 8-11, 2022, virtual. Harvesting profit optimization on random environments: the effects of Allee effects. Abstract in: DSABNS 2022 Virtual 13th International Conference Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences (DSABNS) - Book of Abstracts, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, BCAM, Bilbao, Spain, ISBN: 978-989-98750-9-8, p. 23-25.
- Braumann, C. A. (Invited talk at Mini-Symposium MS25, online); Jacinto, G.; Filipe, P. A. SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences (LS22), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S., July 11-14, 2022, hybrid. General stochastic differential equation models of animal growth with application to optimization in cattle raising. Mini-Symposium MS25: Deterministic and Stochastic Models in Ecology and Epidemiology, organized by Maria Leite (University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, U.S.) and Natali Hritonenko (Prairie View A & M University, U.S.), program in Abstract in: Searchable Abstracts Document, p. 195-196,
- Gomes, M.I. (presenter), Caeiro, F., Figueiredo, F. and Henriques-Rodrigues, L. (2022). Further Tales of Heavy Tails and Generalized Means, Book of abstracts of the VIII Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods, ISBN: 978-989-8840-70-7, pp.4-5,
- da Silva, J.L. (presenter). Green Measures For (non)-Markov Processes with Nonlocal Jump Generator. Marrakesh International Workshop on Random Fractals and Markov Processes, November 21-26, 2022. Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco.
- da Silva, J.L. (presenter). Mittag-Leffler Analysis. Mathematical Society of the Philippines: 16th Annual Convention: October 27–28, 2022. .
- da Silva, J.L. (presenter). Green Measures for Nonlocal Diffusion Equations. Fractional kinetics, hydrodynamic limits and fractals, FD2W02 - March 21–25, 2022.
- Furtado, K., Lopes T., Afonso, A., Infante, P., Lopes, M. (2022). Úlceras por Pressão: Conhecimentos dos Enfermeiros a exercer funções nas Unidades de Cuidados Continuados. Um estudo transversal [Pressure Ulcer Knowledge Level of Portuguese Nurses at Long-Term Care Units: A Cross-Sectional Survey], 16th International Seminar on Nursing Research, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 12 to 13 May, Porto.
- Fialho and N. Diep, Brand equity and purchase intention for e-commerce platforms in urban Vietnam, ICASDMBW 22,India.
- Fialho., Big data in tourism - challenges and concepts ICASDMBW 22,India – Key note speaker,
- Fialho, Big data in tourism - conceptual framework, Tourism Conference in Nha Trang 2022,.
- Pires, “Osteoporosis: Mathematical models for bone density evolution!”E-SEASON Meeting (Europe-South East Asia Science Oriented Network) Évora University. July 15, 2022,
- Pires, T. Bodnár, “Artificial Stress Diffusion in Numerical Simulations of Viscoelastic Fluids Flows”. Portugal-Italy Conference on Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, Universidade de Évora, July 4 - 6, 2022.,
- Pires, T. Bodnar, “Numerical Simulations of Vanishing Diffusion Stabilization for Oldroyd-B fluid flows”. Advances in Mechanics, Modeling, computing and Statistics, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, Pilani-333031, India, March 19 - 21, 2022.,
- Zappale, “Periodic Homogenization in the context of Structured Deformations”. Beyond Elasticity: Advances and Research Challenges Luminy, 16/5-20/5, 2022,
- Zappale, “Variational Formulations for Hierarchies of Structured Deformations”. Variational Challenges in Materials Science and Imaging, Vienna, 20/6-24/6, 2022,
- Zappale, “Power-law approximation for supremal functionals”. Portugal-Italy Conference on Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, Évora, 4/7-6/7, 2022,
- Zappale, “Lower semicontinuity and relaxation for nonlocal supremal functionals”.Recent Advances in the Calculus of Variations in L^\infty, , University of Reading, Reading, UK, 13/7-14/7, 2022,
- Zappale, “Lower semicontinuity and relaxation for nonlocal supremal functionals”.Workshop on Nonlocality, numerics and Applications Lorentz Center, University of Leiden, 4/10-7/10, 2022,
- Rodrigues, José A. NUMERICAL STUDIES ON FLUID SHEAR STRESS EFFECT IN CANCER CELLS The International Conference Challenges in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing (CNASC 2022) University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, September 5 - 6, 2022.
- Baptista, Alexandra (presenter); Ferreira, Liliana; Constantino, Miguel; Marques, Susete; Martins, Isabel; Borges, Jose; Bushenkov, Vladimir, 32nd EURO Conference, 05/07/2022, Helsinki, Finland, “Comparative analysis of forest ecosystem management with clearcut constraints”,
- Ferreira, Liliana (presenter); Baptista, Alexandra; Marques, Susete; Constantino, Miguel; Martins, Isabel; Borges, Jose, “Integrating Wildfire Resistance and Environmental Concerns Into A More Sustainable Forest Ecosystem Management Approach”32nd EURO Conference, 05/07/2022, Helsinki, Finland,,
- Silva, Luís. “Period incrementing and attractors on nonautonomous flat top tent maps”27th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications, July 18-22, Paris, France,
- Júlia Justino and Silviano Rafael, Which Pathway Towards Mathematics’ Assessment In Engineering Education?, 25th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL 2022), 27-30, September 2022, Vienna (Austria), URL:
- Pedro Macias Marques, Jordan type of Artinian algebras and related invariants, The Strong and Weak Lefschetz Properties, Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica “Francesco Severi”, Il Palazzone, Cortona, 12th September,
- Imme van den Berg, João Horta, On the algebraic completeness of the structure of external numbers, Differential geometry, contact geometry, dynamical systems and beyond, Conference in memory of Robert Lutz (1943-2020), 28/6 – 1/7, 2022, Mulhouse, Colloque Lutz (,
- Marília Pires, Artificial Stress Diffusion Applied to the Simulations of Oldroyd-B Fluid Flows, Workshop on Mathematics and Applications, San Jose, Costa Rica, Janeiro 25 - 27, 2023.
Communications at national events
- Sousa-Ferreira, I., Rocha, C., Abreu, A. M., A flexible parametric rate for recurrent gap time data with shared inverse Gaussian frailty. Ciência 2022 – Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal, May, 16-18, 2022, Ciência 2022 - Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal (
- Braumann, C. A. (presenter); Carlos, C.; Brites, N. M. , General autonomous population growth models with and without harvesting in random environments: The effect of Allee effects. III Encontro Português de Biomatemática / 3rd Portuguese Meeting in Biomathematics, FCT NOVA, Caparica, July 13-14, 2022,
- Filipe, P. A. (presenter); Jacinto, G.; Braumann, C. A. , Weighted maximum likelihood estimation method for SDE individual growth models. III Encontro Português de Biomatemática / 3rd Portuguese Meeting in Biomathematics, FCT NOVA, Caparica, July 13-14, 2022,
- Braumann, C. A. (presenter); Brites, N. M.; Carlos, C. , SDE harvesting models in random environments: the effect of Allee effects, model robust properties and profit optimization. Encontro Anual do CIMA, Universidade de Évora, July 7, 2022, organized by CIMA, Abstract in: Livro de Resumos, p. 9-11,
- Jacinto, G. (presenter); Filipe, P. A.; Braumann, C. A., Jamba, N. T. , Individual growth models with stochastic differential equations. Encontro Anual do CIMA, Universidade de Évora, July 7, 2022, organized by CIMA, Abstract in: Livro de Resumos, p. 13-14,
- Jacinto, G. (presenter); Filipe, P. A.; Braumann, C. A. , Modelos de crescimento dinâmicos para a raça mertolenga e a raça alentejana Workshop BovMais (Operational Group GOBovMais), Estação Zootécnica Nacional, Fonte Boa, Santarém, March 25, 2022.
(integrated in the presentation of Action E project).
- Henriques-Rodrigues, L. (presenter), Semi-parametric estimation in Statistics of Extremes, Encontro Anual do CIMA, Universidade de Évora, July 7, 2022, organized by CIMA, Abstract in: Livro de Resumos, p. 12,
- Gomes, M.I. (presenter), Figueiredo, F., Henriques-Rodrigues, L. (2022). The role of generalized means in the estimation of the conditional tail expectation. ENSPM2022: Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática,
- da Silva, J.L. (presenter). Green Measures for Nonlocal Diffusion Equations. CIMA Annual Meeting, Évora, July 7, 2022.
- Carinhas, D., Alves, M., Infante, P., Martinho, A., Vasquez, F. (2022). Harvesting profit optimization on random: estação de Viana do Castelo. 7as Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica / 2as Jormadas Luso-Espanhola de Hidrografia}, Instituto Hidrográfico, 21 to 23 june, Lisbon.
- Jacinto, G (presenter) , Antunes, N., Pacheco, A. (2022). Inference of the workload moments in a piecewise-stationary Mt/Gt/1 queue with probing, Encontro Nacional da SPM, 18 a 20 de julho, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Tomar. Comunicação convidada para a sessão temática de Statistical modelling, extremes and stochastic processes.
- Eloy, V. Bushenkov, S. Abreu, “Gestão florestal multiobjetivo baseada em Constraints de domínio finite”, oral communication, XXII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional, Évora, 6-8 November, 2022,
- Bushenkov, R. Fragoso, A. Vieira, “Aplicação de DEA para avaliação do impacto da pandemia da COVID-19 na eficiência de unidades hospitalares dos países europeus”, poster, XXII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional, Évora, 6-8 November, 2022,
- Carlota and A. Ornelas, “On the Liapunov convexity theorem”. CIMA’s Annual Meeting, 7th July/2022, University of Évora,
- Correia, “Dissipation”. CIMA’s Annual Meeting, 7th July/2022, University of Évora,
- Minhós, “Impulsive coupled systems with functional boundary conditions”. CIMA’s Annual Meeting, 7th July/2022, University of Évora,
- Minhós, “On periodic third-order Ambrosetti-Prodi-type problems”. Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, 18th to 20th July, 2022, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar,
- Diogo Baptista (presenter), Alexandra Nascimento Baptista, Correia Ramos, Measure the complexity of Nicholson-Bailey type biological dynamical systems using symbolic dynamicsIII Encontro Português de Biomatemática / 3rd Portuguese Meeting in Biomathematics, FCT NOVA, Caparica, July 13-14, 2022,
- C. Correia Ramos (presenter), Kinematics, dynamics and complex motion in biology. III Encontro Português de Biomatemática / 3rd Portuguese Meeting in Biomathematics, FCT NOVA, Caparica, July, 13-14, 2022,
- Rui Albuquerque, Sobre o volume de campos vetoriais unitários em dimensões 2 e 3, Encontro Anual do CIMA, 7/07/2022, Universidade de Évora.
- Garapa, On the Dynamics of Beliefs, Encontro Anual 2022 – CIMA, Évora, 7th July, 2022,
- Andre Carmo, Modal logics and applications, CIMA Annual Meeting 2022, July 7,
Bruno Dinis, The Halpern-Mann iteration in CAT(0) spaces, Days in Logic, 30 Junho - 2 Julho, Universidade do Algarve. Faro ,