Communications at international events

B1. Susete Marques and Vladimir Bushenkov, Decomposition approach for solving multi-criteria integer programming problems: the case of forestry management in Portugal. - Dynamic Control and Optimization International Conference (DCO21), Aveiro, February 3 to 5, 2021.

 B2.  Eduardo Eloy, Vladimir Bushenkov and Salvador Abreu. A constraint modeling approach for forest management. - Dynamic Control and Optimization International Conference (DCO21), Aveiro, February 3 to 5, 2021.  

B3.  Marques, S. & Bushenkov, V. Building Pareto Frontiers for Ecosystem Services Tradeoff Analysis in Forest Management Planning. -  BIOECOSYS Final Conference, December 6, 2021, Lisbon.  

B4.  Eloy, E., Bushenkov, V., Abreu, S.  A Constraint Modeling Approach for Forest Management. - BIOECOSYS Final Conference, December 6, 2021, Lisbon. 

B5.  [5] NRW, 165th European Study Group with Industry, 16th April, 2021 (online), Durham University, Durham, UK
(, Communication-answer to the Problem presented by ‘NRW (Natural Resources Wales)’: “Encouraging Safe, Green and Economically Sustainable use of our Natural Environment”, contributors: M. Aleandri, S. Abrahams, A. Berryman, G. Brennan, C. Budd, J.M.C. Correia, E. Donlon, S. Kamperis, D. Mckinnell, B. Metherall, F. Millward, J. Roberts, K. Yu, F. Zeng (

B6.  Pereira, F.F., A Directional Curvature Formula for Convex Bodies in Rn, Dynamic Control and Optimization, Aveiro (Portugal), Fevereiro 2021.

B7.  Imme van den Berg, Nam Van Tran, International conference , Dynamic Control and Optimization (DCO 2021), 3-5 February 2021, Aveiro;: Non-linear optimization with a perturbed objective function, DCO2021_feb_2021.pdf (, p.28.

B8. Sara Fernandes, Luís Mário Lopes and Maria Clara Grácio, “Coupling, chaos and stabilization strategy”, SymComp 2021, 5th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation Developments and Applications

B9. Rosário Laureano, Clara Grácio, Luis Mário Lopes and Sara Fernandes, “Several approaches to synchronization”, SymComp 2021, 5th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation Developments and Applications

B10. Sara Perestrelo, Maria Grácio, Nuno Ribeiro and Luís Mário Lopes, “Modelling Forest Fires Using Complex Networks”, SymComp 2021, 5th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation Developments and Applications

B11. Correia Ramos, Symbolic dynamics and natural computing, 14th The Cape Verde International Days on Mathematics, CVIM'2021

B12. Bandeira and C. Ramos, “Vibrational Properties of Non-Homogeneous Materials”, 5th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation Developments and Applications, 25-26/3/2021, Évora (online), Portugal, ,

B13. Silva, P. Gomes, N. Franco, Classification of a family of Lorenz knots with reducible symbolic sequences, NODYCON 2021, 16-19 February 2021, Rome-Italy,,

B14. Silva, Nonautonomous Milnor attractors on flat topped tent maps, ICDEA 2021, 26-30 July 2021, Sarajevo – Bosnia, https://icdea2021.pmf.unsa.ba

B15. Alexandra Nascimento, Diogo Baptista, Liliana Ferreira, Rui Santos e Susana Ferreira, Science Workchestra – Transdisciplinarity proposals, 2021 International Conference Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and engineering (CMMSE) / First conference on high performance computing (CHPC), 21/07 a 27/07, Cádiz; 

B16. Liliana Ferreira, Alexandra Nascimento Baptista, Miguel Constantino, Isabel Martins, Susete Marques, José Borges, Vladimir Bushenkov, Integrating wildfire resistance into a multicriteria approach for Portuguese Forest management , Canadian Operational Research Society International Conference, 07/06/2021 a 10/06/2021, Toronto, Canadá,

B17. Liliana Ferreira, Alexandra Nascimento Baptista, Miguel Constantino, Isabel Martins, Susete Marques, José Borges, Vladimir Bushenkov, Forest ecosystem management integrating spatial optimization - an approach in Portugal, 31st European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2021), 11/07/2021 a 14/07/2021, Atenas, Grécia,

B18. Liliana Ferreira, Alexandra Nascimento Baptista, Miguel Constantino, Isabel Martins, Susete Marques, José Borges, Vladimir Bushenkov, Integrating wildfire resistance and clearcut constraints into a forest ecosystem management approach, Final Conference of the Bioecosys project, 06/12/2021, Lisboa,,

B19. 2nd International Workshop on Stochastic Processes and Their Applications (IWSPA 2021), virtual, November 23, 25, 30 + December 2, Braumann, C. A. (presenter); Jacinto, G.; Filipe, P. A. Profit optimization for a stochastic model of cattle growth and variable price categories. Abstract in: 2nd International Workshop on Stochastic Processes and their Applications. Program and Abstracts, p.10-11,

B20. 2nd Online International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity (NDC2021), ISEP, October 4-6, 2021,, Brites, N. M. (presenter); Braumann, C. A. Stochastic differential equations optimal harvesting policies: moments and probability density of threshold crossing times.

B21. V Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC 2021), virtual, April 19-21, 2021, Brites, N. M. (presenter); Braumann, C. A. Optimal harvesting policies in random environments:estimation of moments and density of first passage times. Abstract in: LACSC2021 Proceedings: V Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (L.A. Moncayo-Martinez, D.F. Muñoz, editors), Sello Editorial ITAM, 2021, p. 97,

B22. Dynamic Control and Optimization International Conference on occasion of 65th birthday of Andrey V. Sarychev, virtual, February 3-5, 2021, Brites, N. M. (presenter); Braumann, C. A. Estimation of moments and density of first passage times for optimal sustainable harvesting policies in random environments. Abstract in: International Conference on Dynamic Control and Optimization - DCO 2021: Book of Abstracts (J.P. Cruz; T. Tchemisova, editors), UA Editora, Universidade de Aveiro, ISBN 978-972-789-675-2, p. 22-23,,

B23. Dynamic Control and Optimization International Conference on occasion of 65th birthday of Andrey V. Sarychev, virtual, February 3-5, 2021,, G. (presenter); Filipe, P. A.; Braumann, C. A.  Individual growth modelling with stochastic differential equations. Abstract in: International Conference on Dynamic Control and Optimization - DCO 2021: Book of Abstracts (J.P. Cruz; T. Tchemisova, editors), UA Editora, Universidade de Aveiro, ISBN 978-972-789-675-2, p. 24-25,,

B24. POSTER- V Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC 2021), virtual, April 19-21, 2021, Jamba, N. T. (presenter); Filipe, P. A.; Jacinto, G.; Braumann, C. A. Mixed models for individual growth in random environment through Laplace approximation. Abstract in: LACSC2021 Proceedings: V Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (L.A. Moncayo-Martinez, D.F. Muñoz, editores), Sello Editorial ITAM, 2021, p. 117, NOTE: Nelson T. Jamba, student at the Évora University Doctoral Program in Mathematics, won with this poster the IASC-LARS Best Poster Award (International Association for Statistical Computing - Latin American Regional Section), delivered at the 63th ISI World Statistics Congress (ISI 2021).

B25. CONTRIBUTED ABSTRACT presentation- 12th International Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences (DSABNS 2021), virtual, February 2-5, 2021, Brites, N. M.; Braumann, C. A. Optimal sustainable harvesting policies in random environments: estimation of moments and density of first passage times. Abstract in: 12th International Conference Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences (DSABNS) - Book of Abstracts, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, BCAM, Bilbao, Spain, ISBN: 978-989-98750-8-1, p. 78-80,

B26. Batista, J. Alves e Sousa, S. Cardoso, V. Silverio, Flow measurements in a lab-on-a-chip device: metrological traceability and accuracy, CIM2021, September 2021

B27. João A. Sousa, Thermal Comfort modelling and uncertainties, EMUE project Measurement Uncertainty training, March 22, 202

B28. Sousa-Ferreira, I., Rocha, C. e Abreu, A. M., A flexible marginal rate model for recurrent events with a zero-recurrence proportion. The 35th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Bilbao, Spain. July, 2021, IWSM2021 – International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (

B29. de Sousa, B., Pires, C., Gomes, D., Filipe, P.A., Costa-veiga, A. and Nunes, C. STAR Modeling in the battle against Pulmonary Tuberculosis: risk areas and associated risk factors. 14th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2021), 18-20 December 2021, Londres, Inglaterra.

B30. Alves, L., Tavares, R., Ramos, A., Berra, T., Alves, Y., Costa, F., Santos, F., Souza, L., Gomes, D. and Arcêncio, R. Spatial analysis of TB and Covid-19 in Brazil, 2019-2020. In 52nd Union World Conference on Lung Health, 19-22 October 2021 (virtual event).

B31. Berra, T., Alves, Y., Scholze, A., Giacomet, C., Moura, H., Alves, L., Santos, M., Souza, L., Gomes, D. and Arcêncio, R. Identification of vulnerable areas for TB control in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. In 52nd Union World Conference on Lung Health, 19-22 October 2021 (virtual event).

B32. Alves,Y., Berra, T, Costa, F., Ramos, A. Souza, L., Alves, L., Santos, F., Scholze, A., Gomes, D. and Arcêncio, R. Spatial analysis of TB treatment outputs, Brazil. In 52nd Union World Conference on Lung Health, 19-22 October 2021 (virtual event)

B33. Alves,Y., Berra, T, Costa, F., Ramos, A. Souza, L., Santos, M., Barbosa, T., Gomes, D. and Arcêncio, R. Associação Espacial para Tuberculose Infantil em Município Endêmico de São Paulo. In VIII workshop Rede TB (virtual), 25 a 28 de Outubro, 2021.

B34. Alves,Y., Berra, T, Costa, F., Ramos, A. Souza, L., Santos, M., Moura, H., Gomes, D. and Arcêncio, R. Tuberculose infantil e vulnerabilidade social: fatores associados em um município brasileiro endêmico. In VIII workshop Rede TB (virtual), 25 a 28 de Outubro, 2021.

B35. Furtado, K., Infante, P., Afonso, A., Lopes, M., Sobral, A., Garcia, C., Tavares, B., Modelo de Investigação ELCOS para Instituições, Mesa Redonda  "Investigação, Formação e Inovação em Feridas" do 12º Fórum Internacional de Úlceras e Feridas, 5 e 6 de Março de 2021, Live Streaming

B36. Correia, E., Sousa, S., Viseu, C. and Larguinho, M. Understanding Green Purchase Behavior. Is Gender Important? 2nd ICESA, Virtual Conference, November 21 – 23, 2021.

B37. Larguinho,M., Sousa, S., Correia, E. and Viseu, C. The Influence of Companies' Environmental Communication in Green Purchasing: The Consumers` Perspective. 9th ICCMI, virtual Conference, September 3 – 5, 2021.

B38. Sousa,S., Correia, E., Viseu, C. and Larguinho,M. Green Purchasing Behavior: Exploring the Importance of Consumers' Socioeconomic Characteristics. 36th EBES CONFERENCE, ISTANBUL, TURKEY, JULY 1-3, 2021.

B39. Ludwig Streit at Conf. “Urbanization in South East Asia: Pattern, Impact, and Sustainability”, Sept. 20-22, 2021, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Jakarta:  “THE URBAN LABORATORY: GOVERNANCE IN THE ERA OF COMPLEXITY AND ACCELERATION”,

B40. XII RUSI (Reunião sobre Ungulados Silvestres Ibéricos) . October 1-2, Campus Universitário da UTAD - Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, em Vila Real (Portugal). Strip sampling vsline transect sampling. What is the best method to estimate deerfaecal abundancein high-density populations? Cláudio Bicho, Russell Alpizar-Jara & Pedro Santos.


Invited communications at international events


  • Pires, M., Bodnár,T. Numerical Tests of Vanishing Diffusion Stabilization in Oldroyd-B Fluid Flow Simulations, Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2021, Institute of Thermomechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Praga, República Checa (February 17 - 19, 2021).


  • Braumann, C. A. (INVITED SPEAKER); Jacinto, G.; Filipe, P. A. Profit optimization of cattle growth with variable price categories. 12th International Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences (DSABNS 2021), virtual, February 2-5, 2021,


  • Brites, N. M.; Braumann, C. A. Harvesting optimization in a random environment: the optimal enemy of the good?, 5th International Workshop on Branching Processes and their Applications (IWBPA2021), virtual, April 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 2021,


  • Brites, N. M.; Braumann, C. A., Harvesting optimization in a randomly varying environment. Virtual Society for Mathematical Biology 2021 Annual Meeting (SMB2021), June 13-17, 2021,


Communications at national events



  • Ana Paula Canavarro, Paulo Correia, Pedro Macias Marques, Afinal, como estamos de programa de Matemática no Ensino Básico?,  ProfMat 2021, Santarém, 3rd July 2021



  • XXV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, virtual, organized by Évora University with CIMA support, October 13-16, 2021, http://www.spe2021.uevora.ptJacinto, G. (presenter); Filipe, P. A.; Braumann, C. A. Profit optimization with sensitivity analysis for cattle growth using Gompertz and Bertalanffy-Richards SDE models. Abstract in: Book of Abstracts of SPE 2021 (Russell Alpizar-Jara et al., editors), Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, ISBN: 978-972-8890-48-3, p. 84,



  • XXV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, virtual, organized by Évora University with CIMA support, October 13-16, 2021, http://www.spe2021.uevora.ptJamba, N. T. (presenter); Filipe, P. A.; Jacinto, G.; Braumann, C. A. Mixed models for individual growth in random environments through Laplace and delta method approximation methodologies. Abstract in: Book of Abstracts of SPE 2021 (Russell Alpizar-Jara et al., editors), Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, ISBN: 978-972-8890-48-3, p. 85,


  • POSTER- XXVIII Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados (JOCLAD2021), December 9-11, 2021, Covilhã,, N. T.; Filipe, P. A. (presenter); Jacinto, G.; Braumann, C. A. Likelihood function approximation through the delta method in mixed SDE models. Abstract in: Program and Book of Abstracts XXVIII Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Classification and Data Analysis (JOCLAD 2021) (J.G. Dias et al., editors), p. 105-106,






  • XXV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, virtual, organized by Évora University with CIMA support, October 13-16, 2021, Gomes, D., Zamboni, T., Ramos, A. e Arcêncio, R. Hierarchical clustering algorithms in classification of the spread of COVID-19 cases and deaths in European countries. Abstract in: Book of Abstracts of SPE 2021 (Russell Alpizar-Jara et al., editors), Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, ISBN: 978-972-8890-48-3, p. 148,


  • XXV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, virtual, organized by Évora University with CIMA support, October 13-16, 2021, http://www.spe2021.uevora.ptInfante, P., Afonso, A., Jacinto, G., Rego, L., Cesar, R., Nogueira, P., Silva, M., Nogueira, V., Saias, J., Quaresma, P., Santos, D., Gois, P., Manuel, P. R. Alguns determinantes para uma maior gravidade da sinistralidade rodoviária no distrito de Setúbal. Abstract in: Book of Abstracts of SPE 2021 (Russell Alpizar-Jara et al., editors), Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, ISBN: 978-972-8890-48-3, p. 82,


  • Jornadas ICT, virtual, organized by ICT, February 11-12, 2021,, Silva, M., Nogueira, P., Infante, P., Afonso, A. Ferramentas de análise espacial aplicadas à definição de pontos críticos. Aplicações ao projeto MOPREVIS. Abstract in: Livro de Resumos, Instituto Ciências da Terra, p. 45-46.


  • Poster - XXV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, virtual, organized by Évora University with CIMA support, October 13-16, 2021, http://www.spe2021.uevora.ptPereira, D.G., Afonso, A. Comparação das abordagens semi-paramétricas à ANOVA com dois fatores na presença de heterocedastidade. Abstract in: Book of Abstracts of SPE 2021 (Russell Alpizar-Jara et al., editors), Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, ISBN: 978-972-8890-48-3, p. 157,



  • Afonso, A., Pereira, D.G., Gonçalves, A. C. A hurdle-gamma regression model for the average number of undeveloped pine nuts per cone. Poster - XXVIII Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados (JOCLAD2021), December 9-11, 2021, Covilhã,


  • Infante, P., Afonso, A., Jacinto, G., Rego, L., Nogueira, P., Silva, M., Nogueira, V., Saias, J., Quaresma, P., Gois. P., Manuel, P. R. A longitudinal analysis of the severity of road accidents in the district of Setúbal between 2016 and 2019. Poster - XXVIII Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados (JOCLAD2021), December 9-11, 2021, Covilhã,


  • Infante, P., Jacinto, G., Afonso, A., Cesar, R., Nogueira, P., Silva, M., Nogueira, V., Saias, J., Quaresma, P., Gois. P., Manuel, P. R.. Determinants for the existence of victims in road accidents in the district of Setúbal. Poster - XXVIII Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados (JOCLAD2021), December 9-11, 2021, Covilhã,


  • Loide, A., Quintino, H., Infante, P., Jacinto, G. Statistical Modeling of User Influx to the HESE's Emergency Services. Poster - XXVIII Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados (JOCLAD2021), December 9-11, 2021, Covilhã,


  • Carinhas, D., Alves, M, Infante, P., Martinho, A., Quality Control Techniques for tidal data in near real time. Poster - XXVIII Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados (JOCLAD2021), December 9-11, 2021, Covilhã,


  • Alpizar-Jara, R., Henriques-Rodrigues, L., Ávido, N. Distributional properties of the Lincoln-Petersen-like estimators under extreme lower recapture values, XXV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, virtual, organized by Évora University with CIMA support, October 13-16, 2021,


  • Ana Galantinho, Sofia Eufrázio, Carmo Silva, Filipe Carvalho, Russell Alpizar-Jara, António Mira. Road effects on demographic traits of small mammal populations: a capture-recapture study. XXV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, virtual, organized by Évora University with CIMA support, October 13-16, 2021,


  • Jaime Mosquera, Russell Alpizar-Jara. Fitting flexible parametric detectability functions in distance sampling, XXV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, virtual, organized by Évora University with CIMA support, October 13-16, 2021,


  • Santos, J (presenter); Pires, M.; Alpizar-Jara, R. Approximations to the Binomial distribution, its bounds, relative and absolute precision, XXV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, virtual, organized by Évora University with CIMA support, October 13-16, 2021, http://www.spe2021


  • Joana Pimpão, Ana Galveias, Russell Alpizar-Jara, Ana R. Costa, Célia M. Antunes. Influence of atmospheric pollen levels on the incidence of Sars-Cov-2 virus infection. 24. XXI SPB National Congress of Biochemistry 2020 in 14-16 October 2021.


  • Nunes J., Sterghite D., Marques M., Branco S., Martins L., Filho C, Craveiro A, Alpizar-Jara R., Burke A.J., Costa A.R., Antunes C.M. Biocompatibility and biosafety analysis of chitosan hydrogels using organotypic epidermal models. 25. XXI SPB National Congress of Biochemistry 2020 in 14-16 October 2021.


Invited communications at national events




Centro de Investigação em Matemática e Aplicações (CIMA)

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