H – Invited talks and seminars
- Correia, J.M.C., Lecture (online) “Examples of Discretization of Partial Diffrential Equations”, SEAMS (South East Asia Mathematical Society) 2020 School Modern Tools for Mathematical Modeling of Ecosystems, Caraga State University, 23rd August – 3rd September, 2021, Butuan City, Philippines. (https://sites.google.com/view/seamsph2020/home)
- Correia, J.M.C., Séminaire d'analyse appliquée A3 “Population balance, coagulation-fragmentation et l'approximation de lois de conservation hyperboliques”, 11 octobre 2021, LAMFA CNRS UMR 7352, Amiens, France.
- Pires, M., Bodnár, T. Numerical Simulations of Vanishing Diffusion Stabilization for Oldroyd-B fluid flows. Seminar of applied analysis of Amiens. LAMFA, UMR CNRS 7352, Picardie Jules Verne University, France.
- Diogo Batista, Mathematical Modelling, Agrupamento de Escolas de Pombal, 19 de maio de 2021
- Diogo Batista, Discovering Mathematics in various professions, Agrupamento de Escolas de Pombal, 17 de maio de 2021
- Diogo Batista, Discovering Mathematics in various professions,, Agrupamento de Escolas de Pombal, 18 de junho de 2021
- Diogo Batista, Robots at the Library, Biblioteca da EB1 da Gândara dos Olivais – 04/05/2021 – Duas sessões para duas turmas do 3.º ano
- Oliveira, M. 2021. 1º Workshop Modelação Estatística dos sistemas florestais. Análise Estatística de incêndios florestais. 25 e 26 de Março, 2021.
- Infante, P., Jacinto, G, Afonso, A., Rego, L., Nogueira, P., Silva, M., Nogueira, V., Saias, J., Quaresma, P., Santos, D., Gois, P., Manuel, P. R., MOPREVIS: Importância para a Segurança Rodoviária, Webinário realizado no âmbito das comemorações dos 109 anos do Comando Territorial da GNR de Setúbal, 5 de Maio de 2021, Live Streaming.
- Infante, P., Jacinto, G, Afonso, A., Rego, L., Nogueira, P., Silva, M., Nogueira, V., Saias, J., Quaresma, P., Santos, D., Gois, P., Manuel, P. R., A sinistralidade rodoviária no distrito de Setúbal: caracterização, explicação e caminhos para a predição, Seminário Segurança Rodoviária, 6 de Outubro de 2021, Évora.
- Streit: “What is Stochastic Analysis and what is it good for” Webinar, Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mathematics, The Philippines, February 24, 2021.
- José L. da Silva. Green Measures for (Time Changed) Markov Processes, Webinar, Apr. 2, 2021, https://www.math.ttu.edu/~dvolchen/images/demo/jluis_Yuri-senimar_2021_v1.pdf
Joint Seminar CIMA/DMAT/PDM
- Carlota, "Existência de solução para alguns problemas de controlo ótimo não-autónomos e não-convexos", Joint Seminar of the PhD Program in Mathematics, CIMA and DMAT, University of Évora, 9th June, 2021.
- Correia, J.M.C., Lecture (online) “Examples of Discretization of Partial Diffrential Equations”, SEAMS (South East Asia Mathematical Society) 2020 School Modern Tools for Mathematical Modeling of Ecosystems, Caraga State University, 23rd August – 3rd September, 2021, Butuan City, Philippines.
- Correia, J.M.C., Séminaire d'analyse appliquée A3 “Population balance, coagulation-fragmentation et l'approximation de lois de conservation hyperboliques”, 11 octobre 2021, LAMFA CNRS UMR 7352, Amiens, France.
- Minhós, "Comportamento assimptótico de soluções de problemas com valores na fronteira" Joint Seminar of the PhD Program in Mathematics, CIMA and DMAT, University of Évora, 20th January, 2021.
- Pereira, "Condições geométricas para a existência e unicidade de projeção" Joint Seminar of the PhD Program in Mathematics, CIMA and DMAT, University of Évora, 6th December, 2021.
- Pires, M., Bodnár, T. Numerical Simulations of Vanishing Diffusion Stabilization for Oldroyd-B fluid flows. Seminar of applied analysis of Amiens. LAMFA, UMR CNRS 7352, Picardie Jules Verne University, France.
- de Sousa and F. Minhós, Solvability of second order coupled systems on the half-line, October 20, 2021, Seminários CIMA, Universidade de Évora, Portugal.
- de Sousa and F. Minhós, Solvability of second order coupled systems on the half-line, October 20, 2021, Seminários CIMA, Universidade de Évora, Portugal.
- Pedro Marques, Tipo de Jordan de álgebras artinianas, University of Évora, 12th May 2021.
- Manuel Branco, Dense numerical semigroups. University of Évora, 19th May 2021.
- Imme van den Berg, Gaussian elimination for linear systems with imprecisions, Seminário CIMA/PDM Universidade de Évora, 13-10-2021,
Departamento de Matemática / Informações / Seminários (uevora.pt)
- Diogo Batista, Complexity in low dimensional dynamic systems, Universidade de Évora, 21 de abril de 2021
- Carlos A. Braumann. Brief introduction to stochastic differential equations and applications in Biology and Finance. Stochastic differential equations: brief introduction and profit optimization in fisheries, 6 October 2021,
- Dulce Gomes. Time Series Clustering. In Seminário conjunto CIMA/Programa de Doutoramento em Matemática, DMAT/Universidade de Évora, 15 de Dezembro, 2021. https://www.dmat.uevora.pt/informacoes/seminarios/Time-Series-Clustering
- Afonso, A. Estimação da variância em amostras complexas. Seminário conjunto CIMA/Programa de Doutoramento em Matemática, DMAT/Universidade de Évora, 27 de outubro, 2021, Évora.
- Russell Alpizar-Jara, Line transect sampling: basics, caveats and challenges. Seminários CIMA-DMAT e da unidade curricular de Seminário (MAT11688) do Programa de Doutoramento em Matemática, realizado (via Zoom) a 2 de junho de 2021, na Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Évora, Portugal. https://www.dmat.uevora.pt/informacoes/noticias/(item)/32446
L– Other indicators
L.1. Internacionalization
- Carapau. Guest Editor related with the Special Issue: Mathematics., https://www.mdpi.com/journal/mathematics/special_issues/Mathematical_Dynamic_Flow_Models)
- Carapau. Guest Editor related with the Book Series: Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics. https://www.springer.com/series/5032 .
- Correia. CSI (Comité de Suivi Individuel) de Bouasy Doungsavanh, thèse “Analyse mathématique de modèles structurés de maladies hydriques: application au Laos”, 11 octobre 2021, Ecole Doctorale, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France.
- Correia. Member of the jury of the Master Thesis dissertation of Anilzabel Ramos, One-dimensional Models for Newtonian and Generalized Newtonian Fluids, Mestrado em Matemática Aplicada da Universidade de Évora.
- Pires. Guest Editor de TOPICAL COLLECTION, Recent Problems in Fluid Mechanics SN Applied Sciences. https://www.springer.com/journal/42452/updates/17524012)
- Pires, Practical implementation (6,5h), SEAMS SCHOOL Modern Tools for Mathematical Modeling of Ecosystems, Caraga State University, Butuan City, Filipinas (Agosto 23 -Setembro 3, 2021). (https://sites.google.com/view/seamsph2020/home).
- Pires, Collaborating member of the Centro de Matemática Computacional e Estocástica (CE/MAT/IST), Projecto UID/Multi/04621/2013, 2020. Affectaed to the research group/line Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine (MMB).
- Pires, Reviewer/Referee of the Computational and Mathematical Biophysics; SN Applied Sciences- SpringerNature.
- Pires, Reviewer/Referee of the Computational and Applied Mathematics – Springer.
- Pires, Reviewer/Referee of the Computers and Mathematics with Applications – Elsevier.
- Bushenkov, Collaboration with Prof. Alexander Lotov (Russian Academy of the Sciences, Moscow) in the field of algorithms and methods for multi-objective optimization.
- Carapau, Collaboration with Professor Ashwin Vaiday, related with the Springer Book: Recent Advances in Mechanics and Fluid Structure Interaction with Applications.
- Carapau, Collaboration with Professor Tomas Bodnar, related with the MPDI Book: Mathematical Dynamic Flow Models.
- Correia. Member of the Volunteer Lecturer Programme, IMU-CDC (International Mathematical Union-Comission for Developing Countries).
- Correia. Erasmus+ STA Mobility Out, May 11-31, with Y. Mammeri and N. Bedjaoui, Université de Picardie J. Verne, Amiens and St. Quentin, France.
- Correia. Research visit to Y. Mammeri and N. Bedjaoui, Université de Picardie J. Verne, October 11-28, Amiens and St. Quentin, France.
- Correia. Research visit to M. Grinfeld, November 06-27, Glasgow and Edinburgh, UK.
- Correia. Colaboration with the ISP (International Science Programme), “SEAMaN Programme with Laos PDR”, Sweden.
- Correia. Participant & Report Contributor to the ESGI (European Study Groups with Industry), Durham University, Durham, UK.
- Correia. Foreign Advisor at the universities: Caraga State University, Butuan City, Philippines; Savannakhet University, Savannakhet, PDR Laos; National University of Laos, Vientiane, PDR Laos.
- Correia. Management of the Bilateral Agreements 2017-2022 between UÉvora and Univ. Strathclyde (Protocol UÉvora 5836), and Univ. Picardie J. Verne (Protocol UÉvora 5785).
- Minhós, Member of the Program Committee of The 13th International Conference on Pure Mathematics-Applied Mathematics, Athens, Greece, November 26-28, 2021.
- Minhós, Member of the Steering Committee of The 13th International Conference on Mathematical Methods, Mathematical Models and Simulation in Science and Engineering, Athens, Greece, November 26-28, 2021.
- Minhós, Member of the Scientific Committee do The Cape Verde International Days on Mathematics 2021 (CVIM'2021), University of Cape Verde, Campus de Palmarejo, from September 6th to 10th 2021.
- Minhós, Member of the Steering Committee of The 13th International Conference on Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Computational Methods, Platanias, Crete Island, Greece, May 23-25, 2021.
http://interbit-research.com/2021/crete/pmamcm.htm#tpc http://www.inase.org/conferences/2022/march/pm.htm#tpc
http://interbit-research.com/2021/sofia/mmmas.htm#tpc http://www.universitypress.org.uk/conferences/2021/sofia/mmmas.htm#committee
- Minhós, Member of the Program Committee of The 13th International Conference on Physics and Mathematics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 22-24. 2021.
- Pires. Tomáš Bodnár, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University. Research collaborator and co-author of scientific works.
- Pires. Jayrold P. Arcede, Caraga State University, Butuan City, Filipinas and Youcef Mammeri Picardie Jules Verne University collaboration inside our SEASCEN (South-East Asia Science Cooperation Enhancement Network) European-Asian network (between France, Portugal, UK, Philippines, PDR Laos, Thailand, Vietnam and India).
- Pedro Marques, Collaboration with Enrique Arrondo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Alessandra Bernardi (Università di Trento) and Bernard Mourrain (Inria Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée) on skew-symmetric decompositions.
- Pedro Marques, Collaboration with Oana Veliche (Northeastern University) and Jerzy Weyman (University of Connecticut) on Artinian Gorenstein algebras of codimension 4.
- Pedro Marques, Collaboration with Anthony Iarrobino (Northeastern University) on Jordan type of Artinian Gorenstein algebras.
- Pedro Marques, Collaboration with Anthony Iarrobino (Northeastern University), Chris McDaniel (Endicott College), Alexandra Seceleanu (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), and Junzo Watanabe (Tokai University) on cohomology rings of blow-ups.
- Pedro Marques, Participation in the academic jury of Liena Colarte Gómez's PhD thesis, University of Barcelona
- Imme van den Berg, Collaboration at regular basis with João Horta, Universidade de Cabo Verde, on perturbed polynomials and eigenvalues.
- Imme van den Berg, Collaboration with Imad Berrabah and supervisor Abdelmajid Boudaoud, Université de M’Sila, Argelia, on canard-solutions (bounded solutions losing stability) in slow-fast fields with uncertainties.
- Imme van den Berg, Collaboration with Nam Van Tran, Ho Chi Min City University of Technology and Education on perturbed linear systems and perturbed non-linear optimization, with two articles in preparation.
- Imme van den Berg, Participation in weekly on-line Seminar “Réseau Georges Reeb”, participants from Netherlands, France, Tunisia, Algeria, Portugal.
- Rui Albuquerque, On July 9, informal meeting in Évora with colleagues Adrián Gordillo Merino and José Navarro Garmendia, from the U. Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain, for the discussion of Research works in Differential
- Bandeira, MR4153627, Review of paper: “Martin, Robert J.; Voss, Jendrik; Neff, Patrizio; Ghiba, Ionel-Dumitrel Quasiconvex relaxation of isotropic functions in incompressible planar hyperelasticity. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 150 (2020), no. 5, 2620--2631. 49J45”, Mathematical Reviews of AMS, 2pp,
- Bandeira, MR4244604, Review of paper: “Hajaiej, H. A counterexample of a uniqueness result. Appl. Math. Lett. 120 (2021), Paper No. 107288, 5 pp. 49J10”, Mathematical Reviews of AMS, 1pp
- Collaboration with Danièle Fournier (Université Fédérale, Toulouse, França) Lopes, Clara Grácio and Sara Fernandes, the paper “Using Couplings to Suppress Chaos and Produce a Population Stabilization Strategy” to Regular and Chaotic Dynamics.
- Luís Bandeira, collaboration with Pablo Pedregal, UCLM-Spain.
- João Cabral, Reviewer of the MDPI scientific research journal: Mathematics (ISSN: 2227-7390) (35 revisions in 2021); Symmetry (ISSN: 2073-8994) (17 revisions in 2021); Axioms (ISSN: 2075-1680) (4 revisions in 2021).
- João Cabral, Reviewer of the Elsevier scientific research journal: Chaos and Solitons (ISSN: 0960-0779) (2 revisions in 2021).
- João Cabral, Member of permanent reviewer board of the international journal Symmetry (ISSN: 2073-8994) - https://www.mdpi.com/journal/symmetry/submission_reviewers
- João Cabral, Constitution in September 2021 of an international research group dedicated to the study of the COVID virus pandemic, using comparative data from Turkey and Portugal. Group members: João Manuel Gonçalves Cabral, CIMA & University of the Azores; BAHAR DEMİRTÜRK and SuKran Konja, both from the Department of Fundamental Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, ˙Izmir Bakırçay University, 35665, Izmir, Turkey
L.2. Contributions for the regional strategy
- João Cabral, Daily publication of Virus Spread predictions (COVID) for Portugal, on the Digital Journal of the Association for Science and Development of the Azores (ACDA) http://acda.pt/
- Gonçalo Jacinto (coordinator), Patrícia A. Filipe (consultant), Carlos A. Braumann (consultant): Action E (Growth models) of the Project PDR2020-1.0.1-FEADER-031128, GoBov+, Productivity improvement in the system of bovine raising for meat. Main objectives of Action E: Extension of the stochastic differential equation models (to account for the environmental variability) of bovine individual growth developed at CIMA to mixed models with parameters depending on the animal genetic values (available at the GENPRO database). Adjustment of the models to males of mertolengo and Alentejano breeds. Development of estimation and of individualized prediction. Optimization of the profit for these models and implementation of a computer app to support the producers.
- Manuela Oliveira: The research contributed to strenghten the sustainability of regional agroforestry systems and the competiveness of the cork sector by the participation in projects that developed models and decision support tools for ecosystem management.
- Paulo Infante: In the Project Universities Portugal - Connecting Knowledge, the aim is Internationalization and promotion of Portuguese Universities, ando so University of Évora.
In the project CIU3A the aim is the creation of an infrastructure that will allow the rehabilitation of a space at the University of Évora, composed of physical facilities and equipment for the installation of the entrepreneurship and innovation laboratory and for the development of a knowledge platform. This platform consists in a creation of a computer application that is being updated and that will make available, in an organized and structured way, the knowledge produced by the institutions in the CIU3A's area of influence, in particular the University of Évora.
L.3. Outreach activities - Knowledge Transfer
- Bushenkov.:
- Development of algorithms and methods for multi-objective optimization.
- Decision support systems for multi-objective forestry management in Portugal.
- Carapau.:
- In 2021, it was another year dedicated to the management of the Department, as he was Director of the Department of Mathematics. Even so, I continued my research in the field of fluid flow where I was involved as guest editor of two scientific books, to be published in 2022. I also participated in the publication of an article on Ulam Stabilities for a Class of Higher Order Integro-Differential Equations.
- Carapinha.:
- Conclusion and presentation of a Ph.D. Thesis project on "Nonlinear and Functional Higher Order Impulsive Problems.
- Conclusion of the investigation on “Functional Coupled Systems with Generalized Impulsive Conditions and Application to a SIRS-Type Model”, and publication of the respective article with the same title in the Journal of Function Spaces ( https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/3758274).
- Carlota.:
- Research on existence of solutions for nonconvex problems of the calculus of variations.
- Development of a powerful tool allowing to deal with positive parts and negative parts of L^1(a, b) functions.
- Development of a powerful tool to easily determine the sign of the Lebesgue integral of a product of two measurable real functions of real variable.
- Correia.:
Organisation and relaunching of my international cooperations (scientific collaboration and publications, projects, foreign academic advisement, schools, meetings and research groups) under my sabbatical leave (September 2021 – August 2022) in the following areas:
- Biomathematics: Structured models of waterborne diseases; Study of the transport phenomena via the phloem and the xylem in the cork oak.
- Coagulation-Fragmentation: Analysis of Smoluchowski type models by conservation laws.
- Conservation laws: Study of saturating dissipo-dispersive effects; Hyperbolic conservation laws regularisation analysis via complex singularities
- Correia.:
- The research in the field of application of Mathematics to fluid flows has been continued in particular in colaboration with other researchers having been published one paper.
- Minhós.:
- Solvability of coupled systems of Lidstone-type boundary value problems.
- Higher order functional discontinuous boundary value problems on the half-line.
- Heteroclinic and homoclinic solutions for nonlinear second-order coupled systems with phi-Laplacians.
- Functional coupled systems with generalized impulsive conditions with application to a SIRS model.
- Periodic third-order problems with a parameter.
- Ornelas.:
- Development of a powerful tool allowing to deal with positive parts and negative parts of L^1(a, b) functions.
- Development of a powerful tool to easily determine the sign of the Lebesgue integral of a product of two measurable real functions of real variable.
- Pereira.:
- Given a compact convex set F in Rn, with the origin in its interior, and a point on its boundary, near which it is given by an implicit equation, I got an easy formula to compute the curvature in the direction of any its tangent vector. Furthermore, I showed that when the directional curvature of F is positive, there is the directional derivative of the Minkowski functional of the polar set of F, and I proposed a formula to calculate it.
I prepared and submitted an article, and I reviewed another.
- Pires.:
- Study of stabilization algorithms for numerical simulations of viscoelastic fluids flow in problems known as the High Weissenberg Number Problem.
- It was develloped and test new temporal stress diffusion techniques that can avoid the unwanted artificial artifacts of the standard numerical stress stabilization.
- The numerical simulations have shown that these new temporal stress diffusion not only efficiently stabilizes numerical simulations, but also vanishes when the solution reaches a steady state.In contrast to the standard tensorial diffusion, the temporal artificial stress diffusion does not affect the final solution.
- de Sousa.:
In 2021 the object of my investigation was the study of solutions and their locations for coupled systems of nonlinear equations with boundary value of the Lidstone type, thadt is, with boundary conditions involving even-order derivatives. This investigation resulted in two published works:
- On Coupled Systems of Lidstone-Type Boundary Value Problems
- Existence and location of solutions to fourth-order Lidstone coupled systems with dependence on odd derivatives.
In parallel to these published works, also involving couped systems of nonlinear equations, heteroclinic and homoclinic solutions with asymptotic conditions were studied in another work:
- Heteroclinic and homoclinic solutions for nonlinear second-order coupled systems with ϕ-Laplacians.
Rui Albuquerque :
Journal Referee for
- Mathematics (MDPI), November 2021.
- Open Mathematics (De Gruyter), July/August 2021.
- Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Emerald Publishing), January/February 2021.
Mathematical Reviews and zbMATH Open reviews:
- Zbl 074364394 Karmanova, M. B., Properties of minimal surfaces over depth 2 Carnot manifolds, Sib. Math. J. 62, 1050-1062 (2021).; translation from Sib. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 2, 1298-1312 (2021).
- Zbl 07412140: Bucher, Michelle; Burger, Marc; Iozzi, Alessandra. Integrality of volumes of representations. Ann. 381, No. 1-2, 209-242 (2021).
- MR4303016: Dervan, Ruadhaí; Sektnan, Lars Martin, Optimal symplectic connections on holomorphic submersions. Pure Appl. Math. 74 (2021), no. 10, 2132-2184.
- Zbl 07333227: Karigiannis, Spiro; Lotay, Jason D. Bryant-Salamon G_2 manifolds and coassociative fibrations, J. Geom. Phys. 162, Article ID 104074, 60 p. (2021).
- MR4257065: Ando, Naoya and Kihara, Takumu, Horizontality in the twistor spaces associated with vector bundles of rank 4 on tori, J. Geom. 112 (2021), no. 2, Paper No. 19, 26~pp.
- Zbl 07369848: Park, Jihun; Won, Joonyeong, Simply connected Sasaki-Einstein rational homology 5-spheres, Duke Math. J. 170, 1085-1112 (2021).
- MR3932258: Conti, Diego; Madsen, Thomas Bruun; Salamon, Simon Quaternionic geometry in dimension 8. Geometry and physics. Vol. I, 91–113, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 53C29 (53C26)
- MR4202378: Bazdar, Arash and Teleman, Andrei, Locally homogeneous connections on principal bundles over hyperbolic Riemann surfaces, Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie (N.S.) 63(111) (2020), no. 1, 23–41.
- MR4174254: Bracken, Paul, Cartan's approach to second order ordinary differential equations. J. Pure Appl. Math.13 (2020), no. 4, 1016–1034.
- MR4163983: Calvo-Andrade, Omegar, Rodríguez Díaz, Lázaro O., Sá Earp, Henrique N., Gauge theory and G2-geometry on Calabi-Yau links. Mat. Iberoam.36 (2020), no. 6, 1753–1778.
- Alexandra Batista, Robôs na Biblioteca/ Robots at the Library, Biblioteca da EB1 da Gândara dos Olivais – 04/05/2021 – 2 sessões para duas turmas do 3.º ano.
- Alexandra Batista, Truques para impressionar/ Tricks to impress, Agrupamento de Escolas de Pombal – 25/06/2021, 02/07/2021 e 06/07/2021 – 4 palestras para turmas do 5.º ano.
Carlos A. Braumann:
- Emeritus Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Évora (since 2018)
- Honorary Fellow (Sócio Honorário) (since 2019) and founding member of the Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE).
- Jury member for the SPE Career Award
- Referee for the national proceedings of the XXV Congress of SPE.
- Member of the Portuguese Mathematical Society (SPM).
- Evaluation panel for the doctoral project in Finance at ISCTE of Fernando Correia da Silva.
- Jury member and discussant at the provas de agregação habilitation) of Manuel Leote Tavares Inglês Esquível (FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa) and of Raquel Menezes Mota Leite (Universidade do Minho).
Ana Maria Abreu:
- Review of a scientific paper for REVSTAT, February 2021.
Ludwig Streit:
- Honorary Professor, Univ. Graz, Austria, since1973
- Honorary Professor, Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology, since 2013
- h.c., Universidade da Madeira, since 2013
- Member of the Academy of Science, Lisbon since 2016
Patrícia A. Filipe:
- Member of the Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE).
- Member of the Portuguese Mathematical Society (SPM).
- Referee for the XXV Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE 2021).
- Jury member president of the Master dissertation of Maria Leonor de Assis Pinheiro (Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)
Manuela Oliveira:
- Member of the committee and ”arguente”of the Master’s Degree in Statistical Modelling and Data Analysis presented by the graduate Finório de Laurina Castigo with the title “Análise multivariada da produção agrícola e consumo alimentar mundial nas últimas décadas e perspectivas futuras”. Universidade de Évora.
- Invited editor of the journal Appllied Sciences (of the special issue ”Forest Management,Stand Dynamics and Modelling”).
Anabela Afonso and Dulce. G. Pereira:
- Afonso, A., Pereira, D.G., Gonçalves, A. C. (2021). A hurdle-gamma regression model for the average number of undeveloped pine nuts per cone. XXVIII Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Classification and Data Analysis (JOCLAD 2021). CLAD, 109-110. ISBN 978-989-98955-8-4. (Extended abstract with referee).
Anabela Afonso
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the XXVIII Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados.
- Course Director of Master in Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis.
- Member of the Portuguese Association of Classification and Data Analysis (CLAD).
- Review of scientific papers for Acta Médica Portuguesa
- Review of a scientific paper for Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods
- Pergidão, M., Afonso, A., Lopes, M.J., Advinha, A. M. (2021). Ensino-aprendizagem da farmacovigilância nos cursos da área da saúde em Portugal. Boletim de Farmacovigilância, vol. 25, n.º 10 e 11, 8-9. (https://www.infarmed.pt/documents/15786/4230446/Boletim+de+Farmacovigil%C3%A2ncia%2C+Volume+25%2C+n%C2%BA+11+e+12%2C+novembro+e+dezembro+de+2021/3365cd67-b75a-3af7-fab6-b8f91c3a0c50)
Dulce G. Pereira
- Member of Course Comission of Master in Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis.
- Editorial member of Biometrical Letters.
- Member of the Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE).
- Member of the Statistical Modelling Society.
- Review of a scientific paper for REVSTAT, November 2021.
- Jury member and discussant at the Master dissertation of Ana Paula Januário. “Análise estatística da produção de vitelão Mertolengo” (Mestrado em Modelação Estatística e Análise de Dados. Universidade de Évora)
- Jury member president of the Master Thesis dissertation of João Paulo Alter Santos. “Volatility Forecast for the Brazilian Stock Market (Bovespa Index).” (Mestrado em Modelação Estatística e Análise de Dados, Universidade de Évora)
- Jury member president of the Master Thesis dissertation of Finório de Laurina Castigo. “Análise multivariada da produção agrícola e consumo alimentar mundial nas últimas décadas e perspectivas futuras.” (Mestrado em Modelação Estatística e Análise de Dados, Universidade de Évora)
Paulo Infante
- Pró-Rector Support for Innovation, Knowledge Transfer, Entrepreneurship and Cooperation.
- Course Director of Mathematics Applied to Economics and Management.
- Member of the audit committee of the Portuguese Association of Classification and Data Analysis.
- Member of the Portuguese Statistical Society.
- Referee of several papers in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
- Jury member of Procedimento concursal Investigador -RHAQ-12-GAITEC-1 - Aviso (extrato) nº 18348/2020 (2ª série) e BEP Oferta OE202011/0350
- Jury Member of Procedimento concursal Investigador -RHAQ-12-GAITEC-2 - Aviso (extrato) nº 18347/2020 (2ª série) e BEP Oferta OE202011/0352
- President of the Jury of Bolsa de Investigação para estudante inscrito em doutoramento, Projeto CIU3A financiado pelo Interreg VA España-Portugal Programa (POCTEP) e cofinanciado pelo FEDER.
- President of the Jury of Bolsa de Investigação para aluno inscrito em mestrado, no âmbito do contrato de financiamento denominado APPRAIS: governAnce, quality, accountability: a Piloting Reform PRocess in kurdistAn regIon of Iraq, cofinanciado pelo Programa ERASMUS+ Ka2 Capacity building in the field of higher education (KA203).
- Jury Member of Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre, no âmbito do Projeto MOPREVIS DSAIPA/DS/0090/2018 financiado pela FCT.
- Jury member of Prémio I&D Aplicada.
- Jurt member of Prémio EI-GAITEC-SANTANDER.
- Curricular Internships Supervisor:
- Eduardo José Bagulho, Hábitos de Sono e Atividade Desportiva feita pelas Crianças do 1º e 3º ano do Concelho de Évora, Câmara Municipal de Évora (co-supervisor Gonçalo Jacinto).
- Rafaela Guerra, Web Accessibility for Visually Impaired People, Two Impulse (co-supervisor Gonçalo Jacinto)..
- Mariana Cândido, Caracterização das empresas dispostas a investir num Fundo de Investimento Social, Estágio Curricular de MAEG realizado na Fundação Eugénio de Almeida (co-supervisor Carlos Vieira).
- Blandina Dobrescu, Barreiras às Mudanças: Compreensão do Ambiente de enfermagem na RNCCI Alentejo, Administração Regional de Saúde do Alentejo (co-supervisor Anabela Afonso).
- Joana Gonçalves, Realização e Análise do cálculo TTM (Taxa de Transformação de Matéria) no âmbito do projeto A3, HUTCHINSON Borrachas de Portugal (co-supervior Carlos vieira).
- Inês Sabarigo, Barreiras às Mudanças: Centros de Responsabilidade Integrada Oncológico e de Hospitalização Domiciliária do Hospital do Espírito Santo de Évora, Hospital do Espírito Santo (co-supervisor: Andreia Dionísio).
- Joana Fora, Análise da Relação entre a Bitcoin, os Índices Acionistas e as Obrigações, Banco de Portugal (co-supervisor: Andreia Dionísio).
- Ana Beatriz Pires, Previsão dos desempregados inscritos no IEFP para Almada, Setúbal, Seixal e Portugal, Câmara Municipal de Almada (co-supervisor Aurora Galego).
- Conceição Botelho Neves, Determinantes da literacia financeira da população portuguesa, os Índices Acionistas e as Obrigações, Projeto de Investigação de MAEG (co-supervisor Andreia Dionísio)
Dulce Gomes
- Jury member and discussant at the Master dissertation of Joana Vidal Castro (Mestrado em Saúde Pública e Desenvolvimento, do Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical da Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
- Jury member and supervisor at the Master dissertation of Taymara Rodrigues (Universidade Federal do Pará, Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, Belém (Brasil))
- Jury member and discussant at the Master dissertation of Bruna Dias (Universidade Federal do Pará, Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, Belém (Brasil))
- Jury member and discussant at the Master dissertation of João Paulo Alter Santos (Mestrado em Modelação Estatística e Análise de Dados. Universidade de Évora)
- Jury member and supervisor at the Master dissertation of Fernando Moreno (Mestrado em Modelação Estatística e Análise de Dados. Universidade de Évora)
- Jury member and discussant at the Preliminary Master dissertation of Sara Melissa Sousa and Andrey Oeiras Pedroso (Universidade Federal do Pará, Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, Belém (Brasil))
- Jury member of the procedure for the recruitment of a research grant for a Master within the scope of the PTDC/SAU-PUB/31346/2017 - URBANTB project (Universidade de Coimbra)
- Member of the working group that prepared the new Mathematics curriculum documents for Basic Education. DR No. 8209/2021, Series II, of August 19, 2021
- Referee for the national proceedings of the XXV Congress of SPE
- Review of a scientific paper for Acta Médica Portuguesa (APM), December 2021
- Member of the Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE)
Gonçalo Jacinto
- Member of Course Comission of Master in Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis.
- Jury of Research projects financied by AICEP.
- Responsible of the working group that prepared the new Bachelor course in Mathematics in Évora University.
Manuel do Carmo
- Jury member and discussant at the PhD Project Major INF João Reis (Projeto de Doutoramento em Ciências Militares. Instituto Universitário Militar)
- Jury member and discussant at the Master dissertation of Aspirante GNR INF José Miguel Armada de Matos (Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Militares-Segurança. Academia Militar)
- Jury member and supervisor at the Master dissertation of Gonçalo Rosner Fragoso (Mestrado em Gestão do Turismo e Hotelaria. Universidade Europeia).
- Jury member and discussant at the Master dissertation of Maria Teresa Carril de Matos Madeira de Portugal (Mestrado em Gestão do Turismo e Hotelaria. Universidade Europeia).
- Jury member and discussant at the Master dissertation of Tiago Alexandre Pereira Andrade (Mestrado em Gestão do Turismo e Hotelaria. Universidade Europeia).
- Co supervisor at the post-doctoral studies of Michelle Lins Moraes (Pós Doc em Turismo na Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Algarve)
- Referee of five papers in Journal of Business Research.
- Referee of two papers in International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management.
- Referee of three papers in International Journal of Tourism Cities.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 3rd Meeting of Research and Development of Military Sciences held at the Military Academy, Amadora, Portugal, November 22.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the ICMarkTech´21 - The 2021 International Conference Technologies held at the University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, December 2-4, 2021.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 5th Military Academy Engineering Journeys held at Academia Militar, Amadora, Portugal, June 2, 2021.
- Member of the Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE)
Russell Alpizar-Jara
- Member of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística (SPE)
- Member of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática (SPM)
- Elected member of the Scientific Council of the School of Sciences and Technology, University of Évora
- Member of Course Commission of Ecology and Environment (undergraduate course).
- Member of the working group to prepare the proposal for the new Master course in Mathematics at University of Évora.
- Associate Editor of Animal Biodiversity and Conservation (ISSN 1578-665X, e-ISSN: 2014-928X), http://abc.museucienciesjournals.cat/equip-editorial/
- Reviewer/referee of various scientific papers for international journals.
Jorge Santos
- Reviewer/referee of various scientific papers for four international journals: Jorge Santos | Publons
- Member (Founding) of the EURO Working Group on Stochastic Optimization. https://www.mii.lt/ewgso/index.php?page,members.en
- Member of the APDIO
- Member of the Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE)
- Member of the CLAD
Ludwig Streit
- Continued collaboration with the Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology, The Philippines, Vice Rector for Research and Extension, and Dept. of Mathematics, in conjunction with W. Bock, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany, with emphasis on curriculum development and internationalization. Example: the webinar cited above (invited seminars and talks, see above).
- Alves e Sousa.
- Audit online as Internal financial auditor for EURAMET in March 25 and 26, 2021. Audit team: João A. Sousa (IPQ) and Therese Kuenzi (METAS).
- Member of the MATHMET Steering Committee in 2021.
- Participation in European projects in the context of the EMPIR program of EURAMET, for a total of 4 projects. See list above.
- Review of scientific papers for journals Measurement Science and Technology, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, and Metrologia.
- Participation in the online annual meeting of EURAMET Technical Committee - Interdisciplinary Metrology, March 25, 2021.
- Participation in the M36 project final meeting (online) of project EMPIR 17NET05 EMUE, June 7-8, 2021, with a presentation on tasks led by IPQ.
- Invited talk in the Measurement Uncertainty training of EMUE project on Thermal comfort modelling and uncertainties, March 22, 2021
- Participation in the General Assembly of MATHMET, May 18-19, 2021.
- Participation in the final meeting of project Met4FoF, September 21, 2021.
- Participation in the kickoff meeting of project Clean Energy, February, 2, 2021.
- Vice-chair of IMEKO, TC7-Measurement Science Technical Committee (https://www.imeko.org/index.php/tc7-homepage)
Dulce Gomes
- Jury member and supervisor at the Master dissertation of Taymara Rodrigues (Universidade Federal do Pará, Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, Belém (Brasil))
- Jury member and discussant at the Master dissertation of Bruna Dias (Universidade Federal do Pará, Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, Belém (Brasil))
- Jury member and discussant at the Preliminary Master dissertation of Sara Melissa Sousa and Andrey Oeiras Pedroso (Universidade Federal do Pará, Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, Belém (Brasil))
- Member of the Proceedings Committee of the XXV Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society, to be published by Springer
- Member of the International Programme Committee, 11th International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS11), Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina.
- Member of research group at the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing (Brazil)
- Member of research group at the Federal University of Pará, Institute of Health Sciences, Belém (Brazil)
- Member of research group at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (Brazil)
Carlos A. Braumann:
- Elected Member (since 1992) and lifetime member of the International Statistical Institute.
- Founding and lifetime member of the European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ESMTB).
- Member of the Prize Awarding Committee of the Reinhart Heinrich Award, an award instituted by ESMTB for the student with the best doctoral thesis in the area.
- Liifetime member of the Society for Mathematical Biology, the American Mathematical Society, the Bernoulli Society, and the International Association for Statistical Education.
- Member of the European Mathematical Society.
- Jury member and discussant of the PhD thesis defense in Applied Mathematics of Felipe Alves at the Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação Científica of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
- Member of the Proceedings Committee of the XXV Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society, to be published by Springer
- Reviewer of Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblätt MATH and referee for international journals.
Manuela Oliveira:
- The achievement of the research goals is supported by ongoing collaborations with the Pennsylvania State University, b) the USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, namely the Corvallis Forestry Sciences Laboratory in Corvallis in Oregon, c) the Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics Group, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil, d) the Plant Genetic Engineering Laboratory, Department of Biotechnology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India, e) the Cell and Molecular Biotechnology of Plants (BIOCEMP)/Industrial Biotechnology and Bioproducts, National Institute of Plant Genome Research, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi, India and f) the Maynooth University Faculty of Science & Engineering, Ireland.
Russell Alpizar-Jara
Team member of the following project:
Technology Transfer Innovation Skills in Latin America Comissão Europeia (https://www.uevora.pt/investigar/projetos?id=4457) (PI: Soumodip Sarkar)
Collaboration Agreement between Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica Campus Tecnológico San Carlos and Universidade de Évora
Paulo Infante, Anabela Afonso e Gonçalo Jacinto:
- MOPREVIS project involves the transfer of knowledge to the National Republican Guard.
- Scout.AI project involves the transfer of knowledge to the National Health Service 24.
- Habits of Physical and Sports Activity and of Sleep of Children in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education in the Municipality of Évora - It involves the transfer of knowledge to the Évora City Council, the Alentejo Regional Health Administration, the Public Health Unit of the Central Alentejo Health Center Group, the Pediatrics Service of the Hospital do Espírito Santo and all the School Groups of the Municipality of Évora.
Paulo Infante
- Knowledge Transfer and Dissemination Projects
- CIU3A - Centro de Innovación Universitario de Andalucía, Alentejo y Algarve, INTERREG, IR: Soumodip Sarkar, Founding: 1.6000.000€ (378.000€ UÉ)
- APPRAISE - governAnce, quality, accountability: a Piloting Reform PRocess in kurdistAn regIon of Iraq, IR: Soumodip Sarkar, Founding: 58.000€
- Universities Portugal - Connecting Knowledge, COMPETE, R: Soumodip Sarkar, Founding: 764.727,56€ (83.874€ UÉ)
- Editor of dissemination journal TREZE, ISSN: 2184-8467, https://www.uevora.pt/inovar/gaitec/treze
Gonçalo Jacinto (coordinator), Patrícia A. Filipe (consultant), Carlos A. Braumann (consultant)
- (See in N) Action E (Growth models) of the Project PDR2020-1.0.1-FEADER-031128, GoBov+, Productivity improvement in the system of bovine raising for meat.
Carlos A. Braumann
- Member of the Editorial Council of the Boletim (Bulletin) of the Portuguese Mathematical Society (SPM).
- Member of the General Assembly Table of CIM (Centro Internacional de Matemática) 2020-2024.
- Intervention (“Enfrentar as dificuldades, procurar as oportunidades e preparar o futuro") and participation in the debate of the October 20 session “Os exercícios de estrategia" (“Strategic exercises”) of the online Coloquium “A Universidade em tempos difíceis" (“The University facing hard times”).
Dulce Gomes
- Member of the working group that prepared the new Mathematics curriculum documents for Basic Education. DR No. 8209/2021, Series II, of August 19, 2021
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is team member of the following project:
Technology Transfer Innovation Skills in Latin America Comissão Europeia (https://www.uevora.pt/investigar/projetos?id=4457) (PI: Soumodip Sarkar)
- Planned tasks for 2022
- Bushenkov.:
- Continued work on algorithms and methods for multiobjective optimization and their applications for forestry management in Portugal.
- Carapau.:
- Publish 2 books as guest editor (Springer, MDPI) in the scientific area of Mathematics. - Publish 3 articles in Q1 journals in the scientific area of Mathematics.
- Carapinha.:
- Continuation of the investigation of problems of Differential Equation systems with impulsive behavior, with an approach to problems of the Ambrosetti-Prodi type.
- Carrasco.:
- Two articles are expected to be published related with SIR models via 2nd order BVP.
- Correia.:
- Advise the 3 ongoing PhD thesis.
- Finish the translation to French and submit the article: Bedjaoui, N., Mammeri,Y. and Correia, J.M.C., On the well-posedness of perturbed conservation laws with saturated diffusion and nonlinear dispersion, CRAS (Comptes Rendus-Mathématique).
- Provide the IMU-CDC-VLP Lecture (online & onsite) “Review Aspects for Nonlinear PDEs” (International Mathematical Union-Commission for Developing Countries-Volunteer Lecturer Program), February-July 2022, Caraga State University, Butuan City, Philippines.
- Coordinate the PhD Erasmus+ Stage Mobility Out of K. Vongsavang, March-April 2022, with M. Grinfeld, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK.
- Participate the Research-in-Groups (RiGs), ICMS, “Complex Singularities and Regularisations of Conservation Laws”, March 2022, Edinburgh, UK.
- Research visit to M. Grinfeld (Dept. Math. & Stat., Univ. Strathclyde) under the fellowship “Research Support Fund”, Edinburgh Mathematical Society, EMS, UK.
- Coordinate the PhD Erasmus+ Stage Mobility Out of K. Vongsavang, May-June 2022, with N. Bedjaoui, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France.
- Participate the project Soutien au Rayonnement de la Recherche, S2R, UPJV, Amiens, France, “Doctoral Network with South-East Asia”, UPJV, France.
- Participate the CIMPA Research School “Mathematical Modeling of Ecosystems”, August 2022, Caraga State University, Butuan City, Philippines.
- Correia.:
- Publication of 3 papers in Q1 journals in the scientific area of Mathematics.
- Fialho.:
- Research in Social Sciences and Data Analytics.
- Minhós.:
- Continue the study of open problems in the previous year's topics.
- Looking for sufficient conditions for the solvability of some second-order resonance problems.
- Bifurcation results for periodic higher order problems with dependence on some parameters.
- Solvability of higher-order impulsive problems with generalized impulsive conditions.
- Ornelas. and C. Carlota.:
- Continuation of the work described above, and submission for publication in prestigious math research journals of two research papers describing and proving our results.
- Pereira.:
- Continue to work on the same topic I have been working on lately.
- Pires.:
- End work in progress.
- Implementation in finite elements of Eulerian reformulation of Langrangian particle tracking methods in evaluation of platelet damage and activation. This is a new multistage algorithm describing the delayed activation of platelets due to excessive exposure to supra-critical stress.
- de Sousa.:
- In 2022 I intend to finish some work that has been pending for a long time, more specifically a work with my usual collaborator, Professor Feliz Minhós and João Fialho, on resonant problems. In addition, I still have other projects of individual work and with international collaborators in progress and that I intend to bear fruit in 2022. Additionally, if it is possible and there is no unforeseen event, I would like to participate in an international conference online or in person.
Pedro Marques
Symmetric Decomposition of the Associated Graded Algebra of an Artinian Gorenstein Algebra and Jordan type.
Study of the symmetric subquotient decomposition of the associated graded algebras of a non-homogeneous commutative Artinian Gorenstein (AG) algebra, and their Jordan types (collaboration with Anthony Iarrobino and Johanna Steinmeyer).
Reducibility of a family of local Artinian Gorenstein algebras.
Study of families of local Artinian Gorenstein algebras, and their irreducible components (collaboration with Anthony Iarrobino).
Cohomological Blow Ups of Graded Artinian Gorenstein Algebras Along Surjective Maps.
Study of the cohomological blow up of a graded Artinian Gorenstein (AG) algebra along a surjective map, previously introduced by the authors. This is intended to translate to an algebraic context the cohomology ring of a blow up of a projective manifold along a projective submanifold (collaboration with Anthony Iarrobino, Chris McDaniel, Alexandra Seceleanu, and Junzo Watanabe).
Imme van den Berg
Nonstandard Analysis with external sets:
- Error propagation in perturbed linear systems, with Nam Van Tran (Vietnam), Júlia Justino (IPS, Setúbal), two articles in preparation.
- Roots of perturbed polynomials, with João Horta (Cabo Verde), PhD-thesis preparation.
- Dimension theory, continued research.
Rui Albuquerque:
We plan to continue the research on the subjects and original papers submitted in 2021 and others, related with one certain fundamental differential system of Riemannian geometry. It is expectable to have 2 papers published and to have at least 1 more submitted
Marco Garapa :
We intend to continue carrying on research in the area of logic of belief change. More specifically, some of our research goals are the following:
- To obtain generalizations of the Levi and Harper Identities, which are suitable to the context of non-prioritized operators of belief change defined on belief bases (i.e. sets of formulas not necessarily closed under deduction).
- To define and axiomatically characterize some variants of the operators of selective revision proposed by Fermé and Hansson in 1999.
- To define and axiomatically characterize (new) operators of change of theories that are the analogues, for belief contraction, of the (belief change) operators designated in the literature by selective revisions.
- To define and axiomatically characterize new belief change operators on belief bases.
- To define a formal language to represent a profile, and to adapt the belief revision models (in particular those that are applied to belief bases) to that language.
Some (research related) tasks planned (for 2022):
- Program Committee member of the following international conferences:
- The 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. (IJCAI-22), https://ijcai-22.org/
- 19th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation (KR2022), https://kr2022.cs.tu-dortmund.de/
- Member of the Local Organizing Committee of the following international workshop:
- 5th Madeira Workshop on Belief Revision, Argumentation, Ontologies, and Norms (BRAON 2022), Madeira, Portugal, 26-31 March 2022, http://www4.uma.pt/braon/
- Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet.
- João Cabral:
- Keep Virus pandemic spread study and publish 2 papers with results, with the international group of Turkey.
- Develop and optimize mathematical model Psi, applied to Tourism in Azores, with the intention of publish more 2 papers.
- Keep the reviewer participation and editing of special issues of MDPI journals.
- Sign a contract of services with the Azorean Government to study the impact of E@D “Distance Learning System” in Azorean schools during the pandemic years.
- Publish scientific books to support classroom activities.
- Participate in international conference and meetings.
- Submit to FCT a research project in Applied Mathematics and Physics, with applications on Azores, with the collaboration of researchers from the scientific research centre Okeanos of the University of Azores.
- Diogo Batista, During the year 2022, it is planned to continue activities in the field of robotics with the study and control of the movement of suspended loads, as well as the qualitative study of the dynamics of forced harmonic oscillators, based on the model of the movement of the coupled pendulum to a car with linear motion. The presentation of two communications, two articles and a master's thesis is expected.
- Alexandra Batista Continue the development of forest management scheduling models that address wildfire risk, with the incorporation of adjacency constraints in Zona de Intervenção Florestal (ZIF) de Paiva and de Entre-Douro e Sousa (ZIF_VS).
Continue the study of nonlinear dynamical systems, in particular the Lozi and Hénon maps and their applications (BII Madalena Ascensão).
- Clara Grácio, Sara Fernandes, Collaboration with Danièle Fournier (Université Fédérale, Toulouse, França) L. Lopes, the paper “Using Couplings to Suppress Chaos and Produce a Population Stabilization Strategy” to Regular and Chaotic
Gonçalo Jacinto, Patrícia A. Filipe and Carlos A. Braumann
- Within the Project of Action E (Growth models) of the Operational Group GOBovMais (Productivity improvement in the system of bovine raising for meat), using stochastic differential equation models:
- Optimization under further generalizations of the profit structure and applications to bovines of the mertolengo and the Alentejana breeds.
- Support for the completion of the computer app tool for the use of the producers.
- Alternative estimation methods, including non-parametric estimation.
- Also with Nelson T. Jamba (student CIMA member, Doctoral Program in Mathematics, Universidade de Évora). Mixed models: generalization to joint variability of parameters, to non-Gaussian distributions, and to the inclusion of genetic values; study of approximate methods of estimation.
Carlos A. Braumann and Clara Carlos in cooperation with Nuno M. Brites:
- Study of general stochastic differential equation growth and fishing models with Allee effects with respect to extinction and existence of a stationary distribution..
Carlos A. Braumann in cooperation with Nuno M. Brites:
- Models of population growth with fishing in a random environment (using stochastic differential equations) with and without Allee effects:
- Optimization when social costs are introduced into the profit structure.
- Optimal stepwise policies and their comparison with other policies.
Manuela Larguinho and Carlos A. Braumann in cooperation with José Carlos Dias:
- Continued study of entry and exit decisions for real options alternative models.
Manuel do Carmo:
- Complete the supervision of post-doctoral work.
- Complete the supervision of the current PhD.
- Begin supervising another doctoral thesis.
- Publish three papers with statistical methods applied to Tourism, Q1 or Q2.
- Publish two papers in Statistical Quality Control, Q1 or Q2.
Ludwig Streit:
- Precision computations for weakly self-avoiding fractional Brownian motion, to further clarify a possible phase transition at a value of the Hurst index H=0.3.
- Extensions to dimensions 2 and 3.
- Alves e Sousa
- Organization of the International Workshop “Cutting-edge measurement science for the future” with IMEKO Technical Committees TC1+TC7+TC13+TC18 and a MATHMET one-day satellite workshop. To be held in Porto, Portugal, from August 31 to September 2, 2021. https://www2.isep.ipp.pt/imekotc7-mathmet-2022/
- Participation in the international conferences:
- NCSL Annual Conference, Texas, USA, August, 20-24, 2021
- IMEKO TC11, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October, 17-20, 2021
- IMEKO TC7 + MATHMET, August 31 to September 2, 2021
- Training at the one week short course to be held in the 2nd semester of 2022 in São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil, at the “Instituto de Aeronáutica do Brasil” on Monte Carlo applications to Metrology.
- Participation in the EURAMET Technical Committee – Interdisciplinary Metrology, March/April 2021.
- Technical auditor to the internal financial audit for EURAMET, March 2022, in Braunschweig, Germany.
- Participation in the EMPIR Committee of EURAMET in May and November 2022.
- Participation in several mid-term meetings of ongoing European projects.
- Participation on Call 2022 of the new EURAMET R&D program EPM (European Partnership on Metrology).
- Participation on the Steering Committee meetings of MATHMET-EMN.
- Development of research work leading to public presentation to an external jury to apply for full professor.
Anabela Afonso and Dulce G. Pereira
- To study the Type I error and power of the nonparametric two-way ANOVA with heteroscedastic discrete errors.
- To maintain the collaboration with Professor Ana Cristina Gonçalves, University of Évora. Analysis of pine tree attributes, cone, pine nuts and kernel data.
- To maintain the collaboration with Professors José Peça and António Dias, University of Évora in the project “Poda mecanizada e colheita em contínuo de olivais de variedades portuguesas”. Evaluation of the durability of different materials, subjects at the same effort in olive harvesting.
Anabela Afonso, Gonçalo Jacinto and Paulo Infante
- MOPREVIS project: to identify the determinant factors of the road accidents severity, to draw the profile of the individuals involved, comparing it by type (collision, trampling, or scraping), to construct predictive models for the number and severity of accidents, as well as for the most likely places for its occurrence.
- Scout.AI project: to use artificial intelligence methodology as well classical statistical models to support the nurse in the selection of the most appropriate clinical algorithm and to provide support to the Health Directorate General (DGS) in the optimization process of the design of clinical algorithms and their referrals.
- Continue the project with CME to characterize the physical activity and sleep of the children of the 1st cycle of the Municipality of Évora
Anabela Afonso and Paulo Infante
- Identification of the organizational characteristics of the RNCCI Alentejo that negatively impact nurses and patients, which obstruct good nursing practice and make it difficult to make progress in the area.
- To study differences in heat storage, blood parameters, and behavior in buffaloes submitted to two different treatments: sun with water puddles and shade.
Paulo Infante
- Following active doctorate supervision, to continue the study of the effect of incorrect estimation of the model on the performance of the adjusted risk charts, as well as to develop new measures to evaluate this performance.
- To continue collaboration with colleagues from other areas, seeking the added value of the multidisciplinary that is so important in the advancement of knowledge. We propose to conduct several studies in animal behavior collaborating directly with Professor Alfredo Pereira of MED.
- To continue the collaboration with two doctors from HESE, to evaluate the prognosis of patients with colon and rectal cancer based on analytical variables that are easy to obtain and low cost (simple blood count).
- Following active doctorate supervision, continue to perform statistical modeling of the tides, based on data available at the Hydrographic Institute of the Navy.
- Following a new doctorate supervision, to study various mixture models of survival analysis, applying different statistical concepts used in modeling, looking to improve the explanatory and essentially predictive capacity of the existing models.
Dulce Gomes and Patrícia A. Filipe
- Within Project PTDC/SAU-PUB/31346/2017 ´´Urban TB: Dos sintomas ao Diagnóstico de Tuberculose em Contexto Urbano, considerando fatores individuais e Contextuais. Quais são os Pontos Críticos desta demora", continue study on the delay in the diagnosis and treatment of Tuberculosis in Portugal.
- Continue supervision of 2 PhD thesis.
- Publish a paper in an international journal.
Dulce Gomes
- Continued research in the area of Epidemiology and Public Health in collaboration with research projects, at national and international level. In particular:
- Study of the Impact of Diabetes Mellitus and COVID-19 comorbidities on Tuberculosis;
- Study of temporal and spatial evolution and its determinants of diseases such as Tuberculosis, HIV and Leprosy;
- Study on the delay in the diagnosis and treatment of Tuberculosis in Portugal. In particular in forecast different scenarios for the delay, assuming different interventions;
- Study and application of Clustering Time Series techniques.
- Organization (as member of the International Programme Committee) of the 11th International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS11), Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina in September 11-16, 2022.
- Publishing articles in international journals.
- Concluded one PhD thesis.
Manuela Oliveira:
- I intend to continue to develop research i) models and computational implementation in human health in order to study the morbidity and mortality related to COVID and its mutations in patients with cancer. Considering the increasing speed of dissemination, it is important to develop methods to predict patients’ survival according to symptoms and clinical parameters; ii) development and computational implementation of space-time hierarchical Bayesian models in the study of the severity degree of forest fires in the state of Oregon. This is an innovative work given the large amount of information collected (biotic factors, abiotic factors, climate information, forest species considered) for all the counties in the Oregon state.
José L. da Silva
- Biorthogonal approach to infinite dimensional fractional Poisson measure
- Existence of Green measure for nonlocal Diffusion equations with jump kernel without second moment.
- Study the random time changes in Markov processes with killing potentials. Namely, to understand how random time changes may be introduced in these Markov processes with killing potential and how these changes may influence their time behavior. As applications, we plan to study the parabolic Anderson problem, the non-local Schrödinger operators as well as the generalized Anderson problem.
Ana Maria Abreu
My plans for 2022 are:
- Participate in an international congress
- Publish, at least, one article in the proceedings of a national congress
- Publish a book
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- Will continue to participate in the project objectives of CIMA. Particularly, on the development and assessment of sampling and population dynamics models of wildlife species.
- Continue involvement in the ongoing projects and scientific activities described above and co-editor of Proceedings of the XXV Congress to be published by Springer.
Summary of CIMA 2021 indicators |
A.1. Books |
Books |
4 |
Chapters |
2 |
A.2. Papers |
Internationals |
63 |
Nationals |
1 |
A.3. Proceedings |
Internationals |
6 |
Nationals |
5 |
A.4. Special Issues Edited |
4 |
Total Publications |
85 |
B. Comunications |
Internationals |
44 |
Nationals |
30 |
Total Comunications |
74 |
C. Reports |
6 |
D. Organization of events |
Internationals |
26 |
Nationals |
4 |
E. Advanced Training |
PhDs |
23 |
Masters |
25 |
Others |
4 |
F –Computational applications |
1 |
G – Patents |
0 |
H – Invited Seminars |
12 |
I - Projects |
25 |
J. Joint Seminar CIMA/DMAT/PDM |
16 |